Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Neurosonic's Juha Suoniemei announces Gen2 vibration lounger debut

With the aim of less stress, faster recovery and better sleep, Finnish company Neurosonic has unveiled its Gen2 lounger.

The loungers use low-frequency whole-body vibration to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to help lower heart rate, blood press and stress levels.

The improved model has been designed with stronger, more effective vibrations to aid sleep quality and body restoration. While greater muscle stimulation is said to alert nerve pathways to speed up the process.

A new activation programme has been added, complementing those focused on relaxation and recovery, as well as an updated app interface where users track their own data and view recommendations.

CEO Juha Suoniemi says: “We believe it has the potential to make a real difference in people's lives by helping them relax, sleep better and cope with stress in a natural and healthy way.”

A Gen2 mobile mattress can also be used on its own/overlayed on existing beds, while a Gen2 motorised reclining chair is also available.

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